Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you. ~William James
Our dreams are as unique as our fingerprints. The size of the dream doesn’t matter and it can be about family, relationships, a creative endeavor, service to others, a career with financial security, or pure joy and feeling fulfilled. If our brains fire differently, why wouldn’t our dreams be as varied?
I view goals as the ACTION component to manifesting a dream, and (as Maslow illustrated) until we have our basic needs met, “self actualization” or finding purpose can’t be reached. Each adult chooses how to grow forward in their own way and their own time. Becoming self-aware allows one to do the difficult work within to mature one’s self for more meaning and inner potential.
Remember your childhood dreams . . . can you dream that, again? Dreams don’t manifest in a vacuum. Once they are planted, action is required to nourish them. Even with the road zigzagging, we develop tools along the way and set our own manageable goals. Perhaps all roads are leading to fulfilling your desires. You have your own system of values that will be one of the foundations upon which you build your dream, and for a greater motivation, goals are developed out of Need rather than Curiosity.
To help you on your path:
• Get rid of the fear, guilt, feelings of insecurity and worry that might surround your dream.
• Find like-minded friends who will be your support group to cheer you onward.
• Make business contacts and find mentors who can help you take the next step.
• Network, read, explore options, continue learning.
• Write a 30-second elevator introduction of yourself and the dream. In the mirror, practice this identity of yourself. Speak it aloud, feel it, hear it, taste it, touch it, see it as a dream already manifested. Do this more than once/daily, and BELIEVE that whatever is currently happening in your life will be a viable path to achieve your dream.