When you think of the word “relationships” you probably think about yourself with other people: your spouse, your friends, your parents, your siblings, your coworkers, and the list goes on. Every day you’re in relationship with a lot of people, and they vary. Today you may see your spouse, best friend, and family physician. Tomorrow you may talk to your mom, your sister, and your boss. Each relationship requires a different set of rules, a different way of behaving.
Or does it?
One of the most important relationships we forget about is our relationship to self. How do you treat yourself? Are you short-tempered? Ignoring your emotions just to get through the day? Feeling that you don’t have time for yourself because of too many other commitments?
In our society of rush, rush, get it done now, it’s easy to forget to make time for yourself, to slow down and cherish the most important person in your world—you. When you honor yourself and truly take time to do what is best for you, that self-care gets reflected back into the world around you. Your spouse feels a more caring you. Your family feels a more caring you. Your friends and coworkers feel a more caring you. Because you have provided for yourself, you’re now able to provide for others.
This month the authors of FAITH, Volume II take a look at relationships, how we view them, how we feel about them, how we can enhance them through faith and clarity and love. Come. Join us. We invite you to explore your relationships.