Authentic Self-Expression is easily accomplished and mastered by noticing and understanding how our six senses assist us with "speaking" from our truth.
Let's practice . . . Bring your awareness back to a time or place when your body subconsciously reacted to a "little white lie" you told.
Once there, use your senses to remember how your heartbeat quickened, how your mouth felt dryer than normal, your palms may have felt a wee bit clammy, your eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell ever so slightly dissipated without your even noticing it. Most importantly, your inner knowing, your truth, just didn't "feel right" as the words slipped from your lips.
You were not expressing yourself authentically.
Instead of choosing that which would serve you best, you perhaps chose to protect someone from what you perceived as a hurt. You may even have thought that this small false truth was in the best interest of all parties involved.
Well, how did that go for you?
Authentic self-expression is okay with not always coming across timely and eloquently. When done from the place of truth, it sometimes weeps, it sometimes breaks, it sometimes glistens like the sun on a still lake. Above all, it brings healing, release, relief, and peace.
It always comes from a place of remembrance of who you truly are—that magnetic and compelling soul who trusts and uses her senses to bring to life the perfect symphony of expression needed at the most opportune time. A stern look, a feather light touch, a shy smile, a whiff of your delicious cologne/perfume, your contagious laughter, a knowing.
Go forth, remember your song, and DANCE!