We live in a world of chaotic beauty. Governments are crumbling, terrorism is on the rise, we’re depleting the planet of the elements that sustain us. And yet we strive for peace.
When Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon for the first time, he uttered the well-known words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The same is true for each step made by an individual. You count. Your step counts.
So how do you make that step the best you can?
You raise your awareness.
The planet has been raising its vibration in the past few years, attuning to a new frequency. We’re not living in the Dark Ages anymore (even though it often feels that way). With advanced technology at our fingertips, we can communicate faster and better than ever before. We can share information faster and better than ever before. And, most importantly, we’re being given the opportunity to feel our emotions faster and better than ever before.
As the Earth’s vibration shifts around us, things get dredged up. Those old patterns and limiting beliefs that have run your life for so many years are rising to the surface. Knocking at your door. Screaming for recognition. It’s time to eliminate them, to release the old and bring in the new. It’s important to integrate mind, body, and spirit and have balance in our lives. This is where conscious awareness comes in.
Unfortunately, releasing isn’t always fun. Feeling positive emotions like love, hope, and joy bring wonder and gladness into your being. Negative emotions, on the other hand, can make you feel like crap. So you resist. When an unruly emotion crops up, your first reaction may be to ignore it. Stuff it. Bury it deep inside where you won’t have to worry about it. But you do worry. And that increases your negative vibration.
I’m a pro at resisting. As I move down my path on my spiritual journey, all kinds of patterns are coming up for release: grudges against people who have wronged me, guilt around money, worry that I’m unworthy or not good enough. They’re not the truth, though. They’re just perceptions. Beliefs that came through my ancestors. Words that I heard as a child. As I grow and expand, I’m learning to let go.
Over the next months we’ll explore the connections between Mind, Body, and Spirit and how we can further deepen those and create more conscious awareness. For this introductory issue, I chose one of my favorite books The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn, an artist, author, and metaphysical teacher. Written in 1925, it’s chock full of beautiful examples of Shinn’s dealings with her clients who requested help with finances, health, relationships, jealousy, resentment, and more. Shinn teaches that conscious awareness is the key to understanding. Through the knowledge of spiritual law, you can play the “game of life” and be more aware. Be more conscious. Truly understand the art of Giving and Receiving.
“Whatever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” This familiar quote from the New Testament is a wonderful example of spiritual law. Since life is all about giving and receiving, then whatever you sow (what you send out in thought, speech, or action) is what you reap (what comes back to you). So if you think negative thoughts (you’re unworthy, you hate the person who did you wrong, you’ll never be as good as someone else) then what you receive is more negativity. But if you affirm that God, Spirit, the Divine is always acting in your best interest and there is more than enough for all, then you will receive the abundance that is divinely yours.
In other words, the more consciously aware you are about how you think, speak, and act, the more you step towards what you truly desire. Each morning I read several pages of this book to absorb the simplicity of the words and begin the day with inspiration. Next, I journal and thank my Chief Spiritual Officer for all the things I have and am currently grateful for and all the things I wish to have, as if I already have them. Thank you for my perfect health, wealth, love, and self-expression. I choose my words to convey the belief that I am abundant, I am in perfect health, I have wonderful friends and family, and my creativity abounds.
Since I started reading this book and doing my daily journal, miracles have happened. I’m healthier, happier, and more abundant. I also pay more attention to my thoughts and actions, often catching myself in the act of negative thinking and turning it into positive thinking. The more I can do that, the more I create the vibrations that will attract what I desire.
Conscious awareness takes practice. Sometimes it’s one step forward and two steps back. But every time you’re aware and making a conscious choice, one that resonates with you, you’re taking a step in the right direction.
Read The Game of Life and go about your day with grace, hope, and (of course) more conscious awareness.
[Originally published in the Conscious Life Journal, August 2016]