Do you trust other people?
That question can seem full of contradictions and complications. Perhaps you trust your parents and your best friend, but you resent authority so not your teachers and government officials. Or you’ve been hurt repeatedly by men in the past, so you only trust women. And so on.
What about trusting yourself? That may seem like an obvious, easy yes, but examine this more closely. Have you ever let yourself down? Broken your word? Failed at something so miserably you could never believe in yourself again?
Circumstances and limiting beliefs create patterns of distrust. We come into this world as loving, caring, compassionate beings ready to express all of ourselves. And slowly we learn that all is not joy and bliss. Kids tease and hurt each other. Friends let you down. Your parents can’t or choose not to give you everything you want. That belief that “everything will be okay” gets tarnished and pretty soon you stop trusting. And when you stop trusting, you constrict your energy. You get in the way of the flow of life. You start telling the universe that your world is not well, and the universe responds accordingly.
With everything going on around you – job, relationship, finances, health – it’s easy to get sidetracked and feel out of sync. Especially with the energy upheavals we’re experiencing now. With all the stuff you’re being asked to let go of, it’s a wonder you can get out of bed in the morning. Sometimes all you can do is breathe. Just take a deep breath, put your foot forward, and move. I’ve been stuck in resistance and old beliefs for several months now with health issues. It is so not fun. But I continue to envision my goal of radiant health and my mantra right now is “I look forward to moving forward.”
This October, when the glory of fall blooms in spectacular bursts of color, we take a look at Trust and Surrender. I look forward to moving forward and exploring this with you as our authors share their insights.
Happy fall! Remember to breathe!