The most essential health one should be concerned with is well-being. While your physical well-being is critical, mental well-being seems to govern the entire system. Our mental health is important and there is a direct correlation between our negative thoughts and how we feel in our bodies. If you disagree, think of a day when things don't go well and your thoughts tend to be less than positive. From that point you cannot turn the situation around and by evening you feel tired, run down, maybe even achy and in pain.
Working on my self-development solidly now for two decades, I have spent little time suffering emotionally or physically. Because of some structural issues my body is not without its daily pains, but my focus is on me "feeling good." My "feeling good" in my mind directly correlates to the kind of day I am going to have.
If you have a stressful lifestyle, this is for you. While many jobs today are very high pressure, many people who have been laid off will tell you that the thought of going back into that kind of setting is not an option. This has driven many to focus on entrepreneurial opportunities to try to find more balance. For example, I am willing to make less money and not have the latest iPhone, iPad, or watch in order to have a 2-hour lunch where I can meditate and gain greater perspective for my life and family, my clients and my work. Your quality of life is not written by some advertising guru. It is what you decide is important to you.
If your life balance is on a teeter totter, then re-evaluate your values and decide what you really want your life to be and not what your friends, the movie stars or the TV, tell you is the good life.
To get started:
1) Make and prioritize a list of the things you value in life, what is important to you (family, relationships, peace, religion, education, money, travel, etc.).
2) Consider each item above in terms of how far away you are from the desired state and determine what you'll need to happen to feel the way you wish to feel. Do you need to add, delete, or change something to be happier?
3) Once you consider ways that you can change your situation to move closer to your desired state, then sit back and think about how it will feel when these changes are made. Use your prioritizing to determine which of these items you will change first.
If you have trouble with this exercise and would like to get some help, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] to set up a complimentary appointment time to help guide you through this exercise.