One of the biggest challenges during our lifetime is “finding our purpose.” As far back as I can remember, I’ve felt a very strong desire to discover mine. Like most people, I was taught to focus on getting an education, finding a career that matched my skill sets, and living a life where my physical and emotional needs were mostly taken care of. There was no discussion around finding something that brought me joy, happiness, meaning, and sustained passion. The messages I received in childhood and young adulthood having anything to do with purpose were more focused on surviving the “real world” and making money. “Find something that you are good at, that you can make money doing, and the rest will take care of itself,” they said.
Someone forgot to share that spiritually my soul would need growth and expansion to be fulfilled. They forgot to share that I would be happier when doing purposeful work that nourished and sustained me. They forgot to share that simply making money and having my basic needs covered could lead to boredom and frustration if I wasn’t connected to a larger perspective.
I quickly discovered in my 20s that a vacancy existed within me . . . a piece of the puzzle that would seemingly connect all of my experiences up until that moment. This puzzle piece was my purpose. In my mind, knowing my reason for being would allow me to thread my essence into everything I did in my life. Sensing the importance of this discovery, I began a decade-long pursuit as a seeker. I studied everything I could that offered the possibility for me to learn more about myself. I started with personal development and traditional personality assessments then quickly shifted to metaphysical studies and eventually to the Akashic Records in my 30s.
Through the Records, I was able to connect with my purpose, which is to assist others to expand their awareness as they remember the truth of who they are while healing the parts of themselves they’ve made wrong. The Divine Love and Healing essence of me was my missing puzzle piece! With this knowing, I could then see how my entire life made complete sense. I was able to see why I had gone through different experiences. Every situation in my life needed to happen for me to take the next step on my journey.
As individuated expressions of the Divine, we all have a purpose, an energy that flows through us and is expressed as us as we powerfully create in our lives. The power of connecting to our reason for being cannot be overstated.
We can see the joy and enthusiasm that radiates from those who have not only discovered it but also embody it at a very deep level. They seem to have an energetic infusion of passion that parallels their alignment with their purpose.
Seek out opportunities to learn more about your sacred truth. We are all surrounded with many different roadmaps that lead us to this discovery such as Astrology, Numerology, Scientific Hand Analysis, Human Design/Gene Keys or the Akashic Records. Choose one that resonates and begin the magical exploration of learning your powerful reason for being.